Saturday, January 05, 2002
this month i'll celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the first time i got paid for performing. and if i had it to do all over again i wouldn't change a thing. well maybe one or two things like, i wish someone would have told me to shave off my eyebrows earlier and i wish i wouldn't have compromised my truth at times so that someone else didn't feel threatened. that's still a struggle today. i don't wanna be seen as the "bad guy". but i"ve learned that if i come from a place of truth, love and honesty, then i can't be the "bad guy" and i won't have a bunch of hideous resentments to clean up later . and keeping in mind that, honesty without love is brutality.
just got back from the friday night drag show at "peanuts". it's located in west hollywood on santa monica blvd. between fairfax and la cienega. it is by far the best club in town and i'll tell you why. the club has a focal point and good music. since my days and nights of getting "crunked up" are long over, i need a club that can entertain me without "booze and pills". most clubs are boring as shit if you're not wasted. i need a club that's edgy , warped and twisted with good lighting and music that's not too fucking loud. well, "peanuts" is the answer. butt, the biggest asset "peanuts" offers is the big asses on the clubs patrons. big asses, big titties, big lips, big cheekbones, big everything!!! i'm a huge fan of surgical enhancement, and the "girls" who frequent the club are too. i rarely even dance because i'm so wrapped up in lapping up the atmosphere. i love it. a better description of the club might be "the silicone valley". the club members consist of 60 percent transsexuals, 30 percent "tranny-cruisers" and 10 percent others. i think i fit into every category. there's a show at 12:30 starring "viva sex" (m.c.extraordinaire and a great dancer), "raja" (gorgeous exotic creature), "jazzmun" (yum, chocolate ice cream), "alexis" (title holder and great tits) and "kiwi" (in-fucking-credible). during the show, patrons tip the performers and you really get to see who's who and what's what. one night, "chichi la rue" pointed out a "girl" to me who had gone to mexico and had her face peeled back, then scraped and then sewn back on. she looked fabulous. the club has been there for over twenty years and, as with all the really good things in the world, it has had to fight to stay there. residents in the area complain about noise and undesirables, and have just about succeeded in closing down the joint forever. i even appeared at a city hearing to speak in favor of the club, saying that in my opinion the complaints were motivated by prejudice and that maybe the residents might be happier living on "walton mountain" and not on santa monica blvd. west hollywood, california. there are tons of clubs and restaurants in the area, but they singled out "peanuts" as the covenant of hell. i said that in my twenty years in show business i have performed in clubs around the world and that "peanuts" is a sophisticated world class club that enhances los angeles' position as a world class city (lord knows, l.a. could use all the help it can get in that department). west hollywood is predominantly gay and i think it's sad how soon "the gay" forgets that it was "marcia p. johnson", a queen, who threw the first brick at stonewall. i sure haven't forgotten.
in fact, i got a backyard full of bricks. god save the queen.
Posted by Ru
Saturday, January 05, 2002
at Saturday, January 05, 2002 | Permalink
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