Thursday, September 29, 2005
i have a feeling THESE STARS wouldn't want you to see this.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, September 29, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, September 26, 2005
GEORGES came up from his home on SOUTH BEACH to help me finally unpack all the boxes i've been living with for the past three months. i just couldn't bear to do it by myself, plus GEORGES and i have a history of unpacking boxes. during the five and a half years we were "together", we packed up and moved four different times across three different state lines. we actually moved into this very same apartment over ten years ago, so having him here makes it really seem like i'm home again... well, that and the fact that my cherished cd collection (over 5000) is unpacked and out where i can get to it. ROXETTE, here i come!
Posted by Ru
at Monday, September 26, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, September 22, 2005
i fuckin' dig me some VIRGOS! happy birthday MR. BARBATO.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, September 22, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
i hate it when the magazines rag on tv & movie actresses for being too thin. do they realize how hard it is to avoid that evil craft services table on a long, tedious shooting day? well, i'll tell you, it's almost impossible! i think the EMMYS and the OSCARS should give a special award to the skinniest actress in HOLLYWOOD. all the other stars would praise and admire her because they know how hard it is to keep away from that devil of a snack table.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, September 21, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
happy birthday to my girl, MICHELLE VISAGE . keep on letting them have it, huntee!!! .
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, September 20, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, September 19, 2005
for this BEE GEES fan, the past month has been a welcome lollapalooza. it started in MOSCOW with my discovery of "magnet", a 2003 ROBIN GIBB solo album that apparently never surfaced stateside. a week later, CONOR, one of my blog readers in TOKYO, found me a factory sealed cd of the forgotten BEE GEES album "living eyes". now comes the 25 anniversary edition of "guilty", BARBRA'S 12X platinum BROTHERS GIBB extravaganza, and it's brand new sequel (aptly entitled) "guilty pleasures".
i received "guilty pleasures" one week prior to it's upcoming tuesday release and it hasn't left my IPOD playlist. it's marvelous! an instant classic. no guilt, all pleasure. i heard about the new BARBRA / BARRY project 3 months ago, and i've been ecstatic with anticipation ever since. my favorite cuts are "come tomorrow", "night of my life", "it's up to you" and STREISAND'S cover of ANDY GIBB'S "(our love) don't throw it all away". run out a buy this cd on september 20th.
i did a show saturday night in ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY and i had a tit twistin' good time. my favorite part of the evening was when i told the crowd at CIRCUIT that "of all the berries in the berry family, the ass berry is the sweetest... and the juiciest!".
sunday night, GUS MATTOX took me to see "...but i'm a cheerleader: the musical". it was terrific! the cast was awesome, especially BLAIR ROSS who plays "mary", and JOHN HILL who steals every scene as "rock". i have to admit it was very strange for me to see someone else play "mike", the role i originated in the film version, but KEVIN-ANTHONY did a fantastic job and has a beautiful voice.
also in the audience from the film version, director JAMIE BABBIT, producer ANDREA SPERLING, original screenplay BRIAN WAYNE PETERSON and "joel" JOEL MICHAELY.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, September 19, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, September 15, 2005
they're really good! they made that KARL ROVE controversy just disappear without a peep. i mean, ya gotta give it to them, they're really good.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, September 15, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
i'm reading DRY by AUGUSTEN BURROUGHS, which is fabulous, but i still can't shake THE Di VINCI CODE. the book answered so many questions have had for years concerning the demonization of feminine energy. i believe that goddess energy is making it's triumphant return in our lifetime. i believe that hurricane's are passionate and unpredictable like feminine energy. i've always said that if NORTH AMERICA was a woman, the MISSISSIPPI DELTA would be her womb.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, September 13, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, September 12, 2005
last week, i felt like all the traveling i'd done this summer had finally caught up with me and chillin' was my only recourse... well, kinda sorta chillin' because i still had work to do like write and record for the new remix cd coming in january, and do DESTINY'S CHILD a favor by appearing in a skit they conceived for FASHION ROCKS (the skit was taped but later cut from the broadcast).
the day of the taping, i woke up at 5AM to get into "drags", arrived at RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL at 11AM, taped the skit at 2:30 PM, out of drag by 4PM, had lunch, then caught the train uptown for a 3 hour meeting with the cd art director at 6PM.
at 10PM, i joined the birthday dinner for LEE ROSE at a restaurant called JOE ALLEN'S. i meant to just drop off her gift and go home, but the folks at the table turned out to be such a hoot, i stayed. it was me, LEE, MARGO MARTINDALE, MARISKA HARGITAY and her husband PETER HERMANN, CHERRY JONES , SARAH PAULSON, TIM CURRY, RENEE FLEMING and KYAN DOUGLAS.
sunday, LEE and i went to CENTRAL PARK with a cardboard sign that read "free bad advice". we sat it next to a bench and took "clients" for about 2 hours. we had a ball!
Posted by Ru
at Monday, September 12, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
i ended up buying two copies of the new KANYE WEST CD, plus the just released PARIS IS BURNING on DVD, which has bonus footage.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Mr. Wright,
On Friday, September 2, 2005, recording artist Kanye West appeared on NBC with other celebrities to raise funds for Hurricane Katrina relief.
While on air, Mr. West made several remarks regarding the relief effort. Unfortunately, his remarks were removed from the west coast feed of the telecast. During repeat airings over the weekend, Mr. West's remarks were still censured. In fact, his remarks were only aired on cable news outlets, where his opinions were debated by reporters and politicians.
The irony, of course, is that his remarks were not available to viewers without access to (paid) cable television.
While all broadcast networks are obligated to censure obscenity, nudity and violence, I was disturbed that your network chose to censure political speech.
Mr. West had every right to express his political views. He did not use profanity, and (unlike the Reverend Pat Robertson), he did not advocate violence against anyone.
Please show Mr. West's comments, in their entirety, in all future broadcasts of the telethon. Your network's explanation that the views expressed were those of Mr. West and not of the network was sufficient as a disclaimer.
To remove his comments was a poor choice. It reflects badly on your network's commitment to freedom of speech. Like millions of other Americans, I believe that the First Amendment is worth protecting, and will NOT support a network that does not uphold it.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, September 06, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, September 05, 2005
up until a couple of weeks ago, i didn't care much for KANYE WEST, in fact, i thought his music was over-rated and sappy, but now, after his criticism of BUSH on live TV and his gay slander moratorium issued to the hip hop community, i'm gonna run out and buy his new CD entitled LATE REGISTRATION.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, September 05, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, September 02, 2005
Where oh where has my little Ru gone..... Where oh where could she be? In brazil or T.J. for a silicone ass to become a better TV?
CHUCK KNIPP is safe after a surreal and horrific 3 days.
i just got word that JONNO & RICHARD are safe, too.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, September 02, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, September 01, 2005
we had dinner at AQUAVIVA in OLD SAN JUAN and our server was the same server we had at a completely different restaurant here in 1998. what are the odds of that happening? i think similar energy strains transmit a frequency that others like it can pick up like a beacon. that's the only explanation i can come up with to make sense of it. i always "bump in to" the people i'm supposed to.
my family are in the northern part of LOUISIANA and they are fine. thank you to everyone who has written me with concern. i'm focusing my love energy on all the families down there and particularly my friends JONNO, RICHARD and CHUCK KNIPP.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, September 01, 2005 | Permalink
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